We become participants in one of the greatest praise celebrations in history when we read Exodus 15. Moses and the children of Israel had just crossed the Red Sea on dry land. Then only moments later the same dry land became a watery grave to Pharaoh and his army. Finally safe, and freed from their Egyptian captors, the children of Israel turned their faces to the Lord, who against all odds, triumphed gloriously to become their salvation. This is the song they sang,
“I will sing to the Lord, For He has triumphed gloriously!”
“The horse and its rider He has overthrown into the sea!”

I Will Sing
This song was the first act of their praise. Moses sang a great song of victory. It not only declared the victory, but praised He who had won it. His song of praise rose to his God, and the God of his father. The song caused others to lift their praise. His declarations of the victory and of the Victor caused a rippling affect. For afterward, his sister Miriam, followed by the women, took up the song of praise. There was singing, dancing and the shaking of the tambourines. Their minds, hearts, and actions aligned to offer praise to the Lord who had triumphed.
To the Lord
It was not to some unknown God they sang their praises. Moses claimed Him not only as the centre of his own worship but that of his father. There was a relationship here with history. Moses knew the Lord as a man of war. By His right hand He fought for His people, defeating their enemies. Moses had seen God’s victory in each of the plagues. The enemy had his plans. Pharaoh’s desire was to wipe out the Israelites, but the Lord used those plans. They were His opportunity to show forth His glorious holiness. He led forth His people in mercy, those He had redeemed out of Egypt and was guiding them to dwell in the mountain of His inheritance, the place where He would dwell.
He Has Triumphed Gloriously
When Moses and the children of Israel faced the Red Sea, they felt the ground shake as Pharaoh, his mighty horses and chariots raced toward them. They cried out to God and murmured at Moses, “Because there were no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away to die in the wilderness?” Fear gripped them. They could only see the present situation. The message it sent foretold annihilation. God, however, had a plan to reveal His power not only to the Egyptians but to the other nations into which He was sending His people to inherit their land. God worked powerfully on behalf of His people. He got them through on dry land, then destroyed their enemies. The battle they faced was but a foreshadowing of the greatness of the victory.
God did a mighty work! Throughout history, men have tried to explain it away. The children of Israel were there. He had done it for them. They sang a song to the Lord, who had triumphed gloriously. He was the glorious victor who did it against all odds! Today, remember what marvellous things God has done for you and raise your songs of praise.