The story of the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross and His ultimate resurrection changes me. Everyone who hears the story responds. It is dramatic and powerful. I heard it first as a young child and felt its impact, although maturity continues to reveal its mystery. Accepting the Easter Story for ourselves, fundamental changes occur. Restored to God in relationship, we find power for everyday living.

Fundamental Changes
Two fundamental changes occur once we accept what Jesus did for ourselves. The first is the forgiveness of sins. Psalm 103:12 says it this way, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” And the apostle Paul puts it this way. “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” In Colossians we read, ” … having forgiven all your sins, … having wiped out the handwriting of requirements … nailed it to the cross … made a public spectacle of (principalities and powers) triumphing over them. The second change comes when Jesus removes the fear of death. We receive eternal life. Jesus sets us free from the fear of death. God’s Son broke the power of the devil and death. I know Jesus has gone through death and has prepared the way for me. God’s perfect love casts out our fear.
Restored to Relationship with God
Beyond these fundamental changes, God restores us to Himself. God is holy and cannot look on sin. Jesus as He took on our sin felt the pain of His Father looking away. The cross changed all that. We are now sons and heirs. Boldly we enter the throne room of our Heavenly Father and cry “Abba Father” Each moment of the day I have access. Whatever I need, in joy or in sorrow, I have a relationship with God through Jesus. My life thrives under His wings. All the armies of heaven are available to me as I live out my life for His glory.
Power for Everyday Living
Once dead in our trespasses and sins, Jesus has made us alive. God made us alive together with Christ. He raised us up together and made us sit in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Once without hope, aliens to God and His promises, the blood of Christ has brought us near. Now we are saints and members of God’s household. We walk in light since being delivered from the power of darkness. The wisdom of God and the mind of Christ are available to us. Colossians provides a powerful image of our new life in Christ. We have died, our life is hidden in Christ. Putting to death the things that dishonour our Father becomes our goal. We put on the new man and live our lives in the power of the resurrected Christ.
When I accept Easter Story for myself, fundamental changes occur, I am restored to God in a relationship and I find power for everyday living. Praise be to God for His unspeakable gift!
beautifully expressed. I met Jesus when I was 12 years old. soon after, I awoke from my sleep one night with a sudden fear that I was going to die. Just as suddenly came the thought “I am a Christian now, I don’t need to worry about death.” Then there was peace and I fell asleep. Sometimes I think that when my father was killed, my heavenly Father took me in His arms. It has been a long difficult journey often, But “Jesus never fails.”
Well written… and VERY true!!
Beautiful words Esther! A relationship with our Lord, what more could one ask for.