Paul and Timothy wrote to the Colossians. These are the faithful people who are in Christ in that city. They not only give thanks to God for these people, they also pray for them. News of their faith in Christ and their love for the saints has reached these two apostles of Jesus Christ. Paul and Timothy wrote to the Colossians of their hope springing up from the gospel, the fruit it brought forth, and the faithful minister who brought it.

Their Hope
The Colossians had heard the gospel, and their faith sprouted from it. They now had hope from what they had heard in the message. A hope laid up in heaven awaited them. Peter expounds on this hope in his letters. It is a living hope because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This hope is for an inheritance that cannot rust or spoil or fade. It is being reserved in heaven for all the saints.
The Fruit
The gospel bears fruit. The Colossians had heard the good news. Now as a result it bore fruit in them. However, they were not the only ones. Wherever the gospel had gone, throughout the entire world, there was fruit. Perhaps they were unaware of the power this gospel exhibited everywhere. Still, wherever people preach the good news of Jesus, there are people who respond in faith and love. It bears fruit.
The Messenger
Epaphras taught the Colossians about Jesus the Messiah. He was a faithful minister of Christ. In addition, he was a fellow servant of Paul and Timothy. He not only spoke to them of the gospel but also spoke about them because of their love of the Spirit. The message of truth they heard came from someone reputable, known by the apostles, and true to the Lord Jesus. The apostles confirmed it.
In our world today, faithful ministers like Epaphras take the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are those who hear and it bears fruit. They are those who work as part of a body, to the glory of Jesus Christ in bearing fruit. Paul and Timothy wrote to the Colossians of their hope springing up from the gospel, the fruit it brought forth, and the faithful minister who brought it. God remembers these faithful ones.