There is mystery in the air. Secrets and whispers ignite the atmosphere. Anticipating the reaction of a loved one receiving a well-thought- out gift, adds to the fun and joy of Christmas gift-giving. From one heart to another, there is a giddiness in the act of giving gifts. Ponder this great mystery, Jesus, the gift of Christmas came from the Father’s heart. to the world through a willing vessel.

From the Father’s Heart
The Father’s loving heart orchestrated the gift of salvation. Despite the wrath which separated Him from His creation, His love knew a way. He would give His Son as a ransom. He desired deeply for the breach to be healed, to be One with those He had created, to again walk in the cool of the evening in fellowship. There would be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 just persons who didn’t need to repent.
To the World
Therefore, He sent His Son into the world. It was a cold, dark world which could not receive Him. It meant continued rejection from no room in the inn, to the murdering of a generation of babies, lest the One replace Herod’s reign. The world’s religious system built in tradition and legal foundations, though put into play by God, prevented seeing Jesus as God. Yet to those who received Him, He would give the power to be His children.
Through a Willing Vessel
Who would He send and who would go for Him? The Son was in agreement. “A body You have prepared for Me.” His Father didn’t want sacrifice and offering. He wanted obedience so He created a body to house His Son. Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered. “I delight to do Your will.” He remained in relationship with the Father and accomplished all that His Father sent Him to do. In and through the struggle of His soul, He obeyed the Father. They were one in purpose, due to God’s love for all.
We celebrate Christmas. We celebrate the gift of Christmas. The great mystery, Jesus, the gift of Christmas came from the Father’s heart. to the world by being a willing vessel.