The understanding of the disciples remained darkened. They did not understand that Jesus must rise from the dead. Witnessing an empty tomb, confounded them, Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter and John each responded in their own way.

Mary Magdalene
Mary came to the tomb while it was still dark. She observed that the stone had been rolled away. In her mind, it looked like His body had been taken away and now they wouldn’t be able to find Him. So she ran, and doing so met Simon Peter and John. To them she expressed her concern.
Simon Peter
In Simon’s case, he ran to the tomb. Though he didn’t arrive first, he was the first to enter the tomb and observe the linen cloths lying there. The body, however, was not there. Luke writes that Peter went away, marveling at what he saw.
John outran Peter. He looked inside and saw the the linen cloths. However, he did not enter. Later after Peter had gone in, he returned and entered the tomb. When he looked and saw, he believed. He writes that they didn’t understand when Jesus spoke about rising from the dead. But now they see it themselves, the empty tomb. So he and Peter went home. They had much to consider. Plain and simple, yet it surpassed their understanding of how things worked. The resurrection of Jesus shattered their earthly system of beliefs.
Witnessing an empty tomb, confounded them, Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter and John each responded in their own way.