When we reach John 17, we come to John’s record of the great intercessory prayer of Jesus. In it we hear the cry of His heart as He approached the …
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In John 16: 25-33, Jesus, who has spoken in parables and stories, tells His disciples he won’t be doing so from now on. In these final moments of His life …
“A little while and then you will not see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me, because I go to the Father.” These words were confusing …
The disciples of Jesus grieved. Even though there were so many things Jesus had to tell them, they could not receive them. In John 16:5-15, Jesus explains to them about …
Jesus often told His disciples things ahead of time. In this way they were prepared, and it confirmed for them the authority of Jesus. Some of those things were hard …
When we hear, “keep my commandments,” it can come with heaviness. We think of the law and how often we have failed. We know who we are in the flesh. …
Being a master storyteller, Jesus utilized vivid pictures to instruct His followers. In John 15 we read the illustration of a vine dresser and his vine. Utilizing this picture, Jesus …
Jesus knew the cruel days lying in wait for Him. He also recognized how it would shatter His followers. He yearned for their safety during this time and realized He …
As Jesus lingered with his disciples in the final hours of His earthly life, He had much to relay. These men had come to know Jesus, anointed by God as …
On this final evening, as Jesus lingered with His disciples, it wasn’t just Thomas who didn’t get it. In John 14:1-14, Phillip struggled to understand who the Father was and …