Nicodemus, bound by his reasoning skills, cannot understand what Jesus is saying to him. He inadequately grapples with a heavenly concept using earthly understanding. Therefore, Jesus gives him more insight …
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Many people believed in Jesus because of the things He did. There were no other explanations. The next story John shares with his readers shows how one man who believed …
Jesus came to reveal God to man. He was born under the law and therefore He obeyed it. This included keeping festivals His Father had instructed the Israelites to keep. …
The Word in the flesh came not as a flash in the pan but as fulfillment of the scripture. The words and actions of Jesus pointed to His Deity. As …
Where would any of us be without our mothers? The same can be said of Jesus. This woman, known as the mother of Jesus, obeyed the word of the Lord …
Jesus wants to go to Galilee. He has a reason. There is someone he is looking for. While there, He encounters two men. John writes of these two men who …
When we read John’s record of the first disciples, many details included by the other gospel writers especially Luke, are missing. John’s telling is succinct and illustrates a passing of …
In John 1:29-34 Jesus arrives on the scene. When John sees Him coming, he declares Him as the Lamb of God, the One who takes away the sin of the …
In John 1: 19-28 we see the apostle John telling his readers about John’s testimony. This is the story John related. He spoke of his identity. There are those who …
The Word was in the beginning, was with God and was God. John declares that the Word created the world. The Word also is life. The life enlightens all men. …