Reflecting on the temptation of Jesus whetted my appetite. As I looked to the scriptures, I discovered as Christians we have a G.P.S. for temptation. There is a place to …
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While the first three gospels record the temptation of Jesus, the writer to the Hebrews tells us why it was necessary. Through His temptations, Jesus experienced a human trial. As …
“O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth, who have set Your glory above the heavens!” Psa.8:1 My mind fills with awe as I consider …
Jesus extended the invitation, “Come unto Me all you that labor and are heavy laden.” For those who sink beneath the weariness of life, confused, fearful, drowning or lost, the …
When God sent His Son to earth, we did not receive a pampered prince nor a coddled king. Instead, we received a veracious victor and a majestic Messiah. God sent …
As we hear this Christmas time, the familiar words from the prophets; let them live in our minds. As they do, we will gain new insights from God’s word. We …
When working with all kinds of people of varied ages, I have received great joy at witnessing the energy and enthusiasm come alive in one who had received a gift …
In Psalm 119, the writer needs one hundred and seventy-six verses to express his praise for the word of God. The word is not apart from its giver. From it …
Reflecting on Isaiah 55:12 Dear God, How magnificent You are! Your knowledge of my finite days Overwhelms me! You see it all, before I wake And call me forth With …
We become participants in one of the greatest praise celebrations in history when we read Exodus 15. Moses and the children of Israel had just crossed the Red Sea on …