When your car breaks down, you don’t call a chef. Nor do you call a teacher for a broken foot. When in need, we want an expert to meet our …
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One of life’s challenges comes with our limited vision. When we can’t see, rather than wait on God, we look for our own solutions. Isaiah writes to people who face …
Only a day to focus on love can warm the chilly winds of February. Yet if we look to the world for our understanding of love, we will remain dry …
I remember a song about “Faith, hope and charity.” It has a line which says, “that’s the way to live successfully, how do I know the Bible tells me so.” …
Noise implies a multitude of distractions which clutter our souls and disrupt our peace. Raging storms have become a metaphor for noise. Essentially, noise is anything that steals our peace. …
Reflecting on the temptation of Jesus whetted my appetite. As I looked to the scriptures, I discovered as Christians we have a G.P.S. for temptation. There is a place to …
While the first three gospels record the temptation of Jesus, the writer to the Hebrews tells us why it was necessary. Through His temptations, Jesus experienced a human trial. As …
“O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth, who have set Your glory above the heavens!” Psa.8:1 My mind fills with awe as I consider …
Jesus extended the invitation, “Come unto Me all you that labor and are heavy laden.” For those who sink beneath the weariness of life, confused, fearful, drowning or lost, the …
When God sent His Son to earth, we did not receive a pampered prince nor a coddled king. Instead, we received a veracious victor and a majestic Messiah. God sent …