Paul throughout his letter to the Ephesians has admonished them in what their walk with God should look like. Perhaps by this time in the letter, a keen awareness of …
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In a culture of “my life, my way”, submitting to anyone or anything is a foreign concept. Our day is not so different from Paul’s day. The Spirit of Jesus …
In Ephesians chapter 5 Paul talks to his readers about a walk of love, a walk of light and finally a walk of wisdom. We know that each of these …
Light breaks into our days as a gift from God. It began with Genesis 1:3, when God declared, “Let there be light.” and continued till Jesus proclaims in John 8:12, …
I have a brother eighteen months younger than me. In my mind’s eye, I can see him with his toy shovel, digging the snow beside our dad, right in step. …
Paul speaks to the Ephesians, a mix of Jews and Gentiles. They are born anew to a life of right living, set apart for God. Paul continues to instruct them …
Paul continues in Ephesians 4:17 – 24 to admonish his readers about their walk with God. He discusses the way they used to walk, and how it should look now. …
God, rather than by fate or chance, lives on purpose. His love drives all that He does. For example, Jesus came to earth to defeat Satan’s power over us through …
Paul, even though imprisoned by those who would silent his witness for Christ, refers to himself as a prisoner of Christ. Not only once does he do so, but often. …
Paul experienced the revealing of the great mystery of God’s love. When he received God’s grace he also became a steward of that grace. It gave him a grand purpose. …