Resounding joy rings throughout Christendom. Joy springs forth and bubbles up throughout the scriptures. It echoes forth through poetry and music. The Psalmist claimed having more joy than those celebrating …
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Following eleven silent years we received word of the whereabouts of our second eldest brother. It was the year following our father’s death. Mother, my younger sister and myself with …
What keeps us going when the days are long or dark? What kept Abraham the many years after he received his promises and yet saw no fulfillment? What was it …
Faith is a major component of the Christmas story. Hebrew 11:1 tells us that “Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen.” When the …
Philippians 4:10-10 has long been one of my favourites in scripture because of verses 13 & 19 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” and “My God …
Thoughts are sneaky things. They pop up and attach to strands of existing thought patterns. We think because a thought comes through the door of our mind; it is our …
How do we understand the peace of God? Isaiah says it is perfect peace. The apostle John tells us it differs from the peace of the world and Paul tells …
Families with children understands sibling rivalry. Paul, as a father of spiritual children, experienced it within the family of God. He repeatedly reiterates his love for these people. He calls …
Paul often refers to life in athletic terms such as a race or a fight. There is a goal and a prize. He is pressing on towards it. At this …
We all have met people who are very proud of their accomplishments. Some believe a long list of charitable deeds provides access into God’s kingdom. The apostle Paul had a …