God is not a hermit. His desire is for all to know and love Him. How does the One and Only True God reveal Himself? Throughout the Old Testament, God …
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“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 “ [He] made Himself …
When we first meet the apostle Paul, he is a man steeped in traditions, high on himself and his agenda of wiping out the followers of Jesus. Throughout his writings, …
Last week, I had the unexpected privilege of visiting Jim. Jim is my eldest brother. Named James Edward Denison, he is 9 years older than me. He is a larger-than-life …
Paul loves the Philippians. He longs to see them. However, if he sees them or not, he wants to know they are doing well. Are they standing fast? Are they …
The apostle Paul acknowledged one thing. Whether he lived or died, Christ was his reason. In Romans 14, Paul instructs his readers. If we live or if we die, we …
In Philippians 1:12-18, the apostle Paul is a prisoner. His concern for his readers causes him to encourage them. To do so, he defends his imprisonment. Imprisonment has proven to …
While reflecting on Philippians chapter one, I was convinced this passage dealt with prayer. It does. However, the more I studied the passage I came to realize that within it …
Looking at the apostle Paul’s letters, we discover his use of the following phrase in his greetings. “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus …
Often times in my walk with God, I have gone back to the Book of Phillippians, It has given me direction in difficult times, especially when I have been overwhelmed …