From the book entitled Endurance, Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage, written by Alfred Lansing, I became enlightened as to the power of ice. The story is an incredible story of exploration. Though …
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Inspiration for life can spring up anywhere, especially from the world of nature. I encountered one such inspiration very recently while watching a program called Planet Earth, dealing with grasslands …
My mother was born Sept. 19, 1920. Her life could be considered that of a sad and tragic character. Mabel Louisa Jane was the first of six children, born to …
Today is my youngest sister’s birthday. She is not only the youngest sister but bears the brunt of being the youngest of seven and forever being the “baby” of the …
There is a day coming in February known as “Blue Monday”. It is considered to be the most depressing day of the year. Shorter daylight hours and lack of sunshine …
It was a good hit: hard, with direction and distance. Off she was in a shot to 1st base while the outfielders scrambled after the ball. I could see her …
The world is ablaze with the hope of a New Year. The old is gone and the new is come. Everyone has their blank page, ahead, fresh and clean with …
I have found the Bible to be a great source of comfort and encouragement, not only in times of difficulty, but also throughout my days as passages from the Word …
On angel’s wings, Strong, swift and sure, The blessed message came. From heaven’s glorious courts, To humble, Jewish maid. Highly favoured one, The Lord’s with you. Blessed among women you …
Today, let us peek into heaven. The great “I AM” is sitting on His throne. There is pure light, saturated with praise. An atmosphere of worship prevails. Adoring angels await …