Home Genealogy of Jesus Tamar (Part Two)

Tamar (Part Two)

by Esther Griggs

What Troubles Us

Having reflected on the story of Tamar in part one, there are things we find unsettled us. In part two, we turn our attention to what troubles us about Judah, about Tamar, and also what we learn about God.

About Judah

First we look at Judah. He was one of God’s chosen and possessed the promises of God. But he disappoints us. He lacked integrity. He lived his life according to his own desires and fears. To top it all, he sent Tamar back home, reneging on his responsibility for her.

About Tamar

Then we consider Tamar. She was denied motherhood and although she understood the role of her father-in-law, she did not know his God and took the matter into her own hands. It was deceitful and conceived out of Judah’s lust and the fears both Judah and Tamar held.

What We Learn of God

Despite our disappointments we learn of God. First we learn that God is true to His word. Through the words of Jacob He promised a Messiah through Judah’s line. We find the fulfillment in Matthew’s genealogy.

Secondly we learn of His compassion to the oppressed, the widow, the poor. He took special care of Tamar, despite her sinfulness, he enabled her to conceive not only one but two sons.

Thirdly we see His redemptive nature. We see a scandalous situation but God saw an opportunity not only to buy them back from their useless way of life but to give their lives the tremendous purpose of bringing the Saviour to all mankind, the One all will obey., the true Redeemer.

The four thing we see is that God’s work carries on. He uses both the good and the bad for His purposes. When we see only evil around us, we can be confident that God is still at work, fulfilling His promises.

We have looked to the story of Tamar and through the eyes of disappointment in God’s people we have learned more of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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