Home Abram: A Life of Faith Trouble in the Land

This battle was not Abram’s. There was history of oppression and revolt among the people dwelling in the area, causing trouble in the land. Abram, God’s man, fought because of Lot’s abduction and came out victorious.

Abram Fights

We know that Abram was a man of peace. The conflict between the four kings and the five was not his concern, until he heard that Lot and all his goods had been captured. Abram didn’t join with the other side. He was a force all his own with 318 trained servants within his own house.. He also had insights about battle for he divided his force and attacked by night.

Lot’s abduction

Lot had chosen the fertile lands where the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were. His choice put him in a precarious position when war came. While the kings of these cities fled to the asphalt pits to hide out, Lot, his family, and goods were left vulnerable. Powerless against the enemy, all were captured.


In relationship with God, Abram had wisdom and protection. When he knew his nephew was in trouble, he took action. He didn’t look for help among his neigbours, but relied on what God had given him within his own house. Using stealth and strength given by the LORD Almighty, Lot and all his goods were returned. Abram, God’s man, fought because of Lot’s abduction and came out victorious.

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