Paul experienced the revealing of the great mystery of God’s love. When he received God’s grace he also became a steward of that grace. It gave him a grand purpose. Now he would share that mystery with not only the Jews but Gentiles as well. As he ponders, Paul responds through worship. His worship consists of taking a position, offering a prayer and proclaiming a benediction.

Taking A Position
Paul bends his knee. He takes on a position of humility. It is the result of recognizing his own position before the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is aware that his name, as well as every other name in heaven and earth come from the Father. From this position, he cries out to God in prayer.
Offering A Prayer
He prays for a group of people who have heard about his suffering. They are becoming weary and sad because of it. He prays that their inner man will be strengthened through the Holy Spirit. In addition, he prays that Christ will dwell in them by faith. His prayer is that they be rooted and grounded in love. As well he wants them to understand the vastness of God’s love: it’s width, length, depth and height. Such love passes all understanding. Then, he says they may be filled with all God’s fullness.
Proclaiming a Benediction
“Now to Him,” he begins. He speaks of the One who is able. One who is able to do far more than our finite minds can think or even imagine. How can He? He does so through the power that is at work in us. The same power that rose Jesus from the dead is at work in us. To Him, through Jesus, be glory in the church, throughout all ages, world beyond end.
Ponder and take hold of the awesomeness in these words. They go beyond the centuries and touch the heart of all who have faith in Jesus Christ. The great hymn written by Samuel Trevor Francis catches a glimpse.
“Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus, Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!
Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me.
Underneath me, all around me, is the current of thy love.
Leading onward, leading homeward To my glorious rest above.”
1 comment
Thank you, Esther. Amazing, that God could ever love me, ” naught but His grace could take away my sin.”