More Than Conquerors Through the Spirit’s Sword
When you grasp the Sword of the Spirit, you have life and power in your hands. The Word of God is spirit and eternal life. God’s Word at the beginning,
When you grasp the Sword of the Spirit, you have life and power in your hands. The Word of God is spirit and eternal life. God’s Word at the beginning,
The helmet of salvation, like all the armour Paul describes, comes from God. At the dawn of history, when mankind disobeyed God, He made a plan. Rather than wrath, He
So far, as we have looked into Paul’s list of armour, we have seen items worn on the body. Our next piece, however, away from the body, comes between the
We learn the importance of righteousness from the characters of the Old Testament. In Genesis we discover how God saved Noah and his family because He saw he was righteous
Paul lists the belt of truth as the first piece of God’s armour. The great foe is a deceiver. By deceiving the entire world, he holds them in darkness and
According to Paul, we face a formidable foe. Although he is a defeated foe, a battle still rages. Because of the work of Christ, we have the armour necessary to
Paul throughout his letter to the Ephesians has admonished them in what their walk with God should look like. Perhaps by this time in the letter, a keen awareness of
In a culture of “my life, my way”, submitting to anyone or anything is a foreign concept. Our day is not so different from Paul’s day. The Spirit of Jesus
In Ephesians chapter 5 Paul talks to his readers about a walk of love, a walk of light and finally a walk of wisdom. We know that each of these
Light breaks into our days as a gift from God. It began with Genesis 1:3, when God declared, “Let there be light.” and continued till Jesus proclaims in John 8:12,
I have a brother eighteen months younger than me. In my mind’s eye, I can see him with his toy shovel, digging the snow beside our dad, right in step.
Paul speaks to the Ephesians, a mix of Jews and Gentiles. They are born anew to a life of right living, set apart for God. Paul continues to instruct them
Paul continues in Ephesians 4:17 – 24 to admonish his readers about their walk with God. He discusses the way they used to walk, and how it should look now.
God, rather than by fate or chance, lives on purpose. His love drives all that He does. For example, Jesus came to earth to defeat Satan’s power over us through
Paul, even though imprisoned by those who would silent his witness for Christ, refers to himself as a prisoner of Christ. Not only once does he do so, but often.
Paul experienced the revealing of the great mystery of God’s love. When he received God’s grace he also became a steward of that grace. It gave him a grand purpose.
Saul was a deeply religious man. He clung to the laws and traditions of the Jews. He saw the advancement of the new sect as evil until the day Jesus
I have heard stories from new Christians describing the change in their lives. One described the beauty of the world around them as if they had never seen it before.
Paul is so thankful for the Ephesians. As a result he mentions them in his prayers. In those prayers he asks God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the
Paul tells the Ephesians to bless God. Why? Because, through the Lord Jesus Christ, He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing that exists in the heavenly places. Then he
Paul writes to the faithful in Ephesus. Not only in Ephesians but throughout scripture we read about being faithful and about those who were faithful. Jesus tells us that someone
Whether Jew or Gentile, Christians today owe much to the apostle Paul. One reason is that much of the New Testament proceeds from his teachings to the early church. However,