Whether Jew or Gentile, Christians today owe much to the apostle Paul. One reason is that much of the New Testament proceeds from his teachings to the early church. However,
Nehemiah heard the news from home. His heart broke. However God opened the door for Nehemiah. He led his people to rebuild their walls physically and spiritually. Finally we read
Jesus filled the days between Palm Sunday and Good Friday with basic truths for His followers. Because I love Him, I want to hear His heart. Therefore, I look to
Covenants The verses I posted on Facebook (Soul Food) this week were about covenants. Mankind’s history is replete with covenants. Examples we can relate to are the marriage ceremony, the
The Cycle In Nehemiah’s day and throughout the Old Testament the writers describe a predominate cycle of behaviour. It goes like this. Once the people feel safe they begin to
Celebrate As the children of Nehemiah’s Israel stood to hear and to understand from the Book of the Law of the Lord, they heard it was time to celebrate. God
The people of Israel became hungry for the Word of God. However, when they heard it, an awareness surfaced of how far from God they had gone. Then they wept.
When Nehemiah installed leaders, he chose a brother who shared his heart for the people as well as another faithful man who feared the Lord more than most. The fear
The “Let’s Get Together” Face Nehemiah’s enemies conspired against him. They tried different methods because conspiracy has different faces. The “Let’s get together” face happens when Nehemiah receives a letter.
Nehemiah highly revered and respected his God. Doing so thrust him high above those throughout the ages that would carry such a title as Governor. It was from this fear
Nehemiah’s enemy was Sanballat. He didn’t go away. He emboldened his position . Together they made things difficult for the Jews. Accusations, condemnation, and threats were aimed to take down
The scripture tells us that a man is born to trouble as sparks fly upward. Jesus himself told us that in this world we would have trouble. Looking further into
God is not bound in time as are we. He though is the creator of time and uses it for His purposes. I am sure that as the year and
Nehemiah’s broken heart took him to the throne room of God. He knew to Whom he was speaking. He had a relationship with God. He addressed Him as the Lord
Watching commercials over Christmas provides insight to our culture. One touts a certain toy and the next displays needy children from other parts of the world. Yearly demands on our
Moses was human and yet he had a relationship with God that left his face glowing. After being with God he had to wear a veil over his face when
Following eleven silent years we received word of the whereabouts of our second eldest brother. It was the year following our father’s death. Mother, my younger sister and myself with
Philippians 4:10-10 has long been one of my favourites in scripture because of verses 13 & 19 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” and “My God
Thoughts are sneaky things. They pop up and attach to strands of existing thought patterns. We think because a thought comes through the door of our mind; it is our
How do we understand the peace of God? Isaiah says it is perfect peace. The apostle John tells us it differs from the peace of the world and Paul tells