The Sending Forth of Jesus
Where would any of us be without our mothers? The same can be said of Jesus. This woman, known as the mother of Jesus, obeyed the word of the Lord
Where would any of us be without our mothers? The same can be said of Jesus. This woman, known as the mother of Jesus, obeyed the word of the Lord
Jesus wants to go to Galilee. He has a reason. There is someone he is looking for. While there, He encounters two men. John writes of these two men who
When we read John’s record of the first disciples, many details included by the other gospel writers especially Luke, are missing. John’s telling is succinct and illustrates a passing of
In John 1:29-34 Jesus arrives on the scene. When John sees Him coming, he declares Him as the Lamb of God, the One who takes away the sin of the
In John 1: 19-28 we see the apostle John telling his readers about John’s testimony. This is the story John related. He spoke of his identity. There are those who
The Word was in the beginning, was with God and was God. John declares that the Word created the world. The Word also is life. The life enlightens all men.
John loved Jesus. However, as he walked with Him to His death and resurrection, he received further understanding through Divine revelation. These insights elevated the love he had for the
The apostle Paul and Timothy have written a letter replete with sound doctrine and encouragement. They have written of faith, who Christ is and how He works in their lives
Paul continues to name those who have been important to his ministry as he finishes up his letter to the Colossians. He is aware of those God has placed around
Being locked up in prison complicates Paul’s method of ministry. No longer able to move about freely, he becomes dependent on letters and those he trusts to deliver them. God
Tychicus is a name you may not have noticed before this week. To Paul, however, he was a major part of his life. When God called Saul out, He did
After laying out the groundwork for relationships in the previous verses, Paul zeroes in on the most difficult of relationships, wives and husbands, children and fathers, servants and masters. Wives
Paul continues directing the Colossians in regard to what life should look like after the cross. He is speaking to those he calls “the elect” “holy” and “beloved.” The apostle
Paul and Timothy continue to direct the Colossian believers. They write to them about a different life. Sometimes it is difficult to understand Paul’s writings just as the apostle Peter
The power of the cross changes life on earth for all who rest in the work of Christ. The Colossians experienced the change yet they encountered people with various motives
To the Jews, circumcision symbolized their covenant with God. With the Christian church rising from the their foundations, confusion came in when certain Jewish Christians believed it to be a
Paul cannot see his audience. He cannot read the look in their eye nor understand their body language. His spirit however, tells him they have remained steadfast despite their sufferings.
The apostle Paul was a missionary. He travelled the areas about the Great Sea from A.D. 49-62 to spread the news about Jesus the Christ. There were many converts which
Genesis 1 describes the creation of the world. In the last verse, God looks on all of it and declares, “It is very good.” Barely within the turn of a
What the early Christians believed about Jesus meant either the success or failure of the newly birthed church. Doctrine had to be established in Christ. Paul and Timothy in their
In the letter to the Colossians, the writers aid them in giving thanks. It is to the Father they are to direct their thanks for it is from Him these
Paul and Timothy are grateful for the work of God in the lives of the Colossians. They have a faith in Christ Jesus and a love for the saints built