Seventy-five may seem rather old to start on a new adventure, but Abram was seventy-five when his life changed not only for himself, but for the history of mankind. His …
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There are only two chapters in Genesis between Noah’s story and Abram’s. Yet, in these two chapters, phenomenal changes occurred. After the flood, the earth continued to reel. Man multiplied …
In Genesis 9:20-29, we discover a little story about Noah and his boys. Ham’s decision, like Noah’s vineyard, bore fruit which affected his history. It was an embarrassing situation. The …
It took time for the earth to dry out, but eventually, God told Noah to come out and bring every living thing with him. Perhaps it was the feel of …
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Safe from the Storm
During a storm we look for shelter, a place of protection and warmth. We button down the hatches. In Noah’s day, a storm was coming. Because Noah walked with God, …
The relationship between Noah and God astounds us. God reveals His heart to Noah. He relays his disappointment with man and also, His plan to destroy all flesh, due to …
God’s anger and judgement are difficult topics. They are however, a constant theme in the scriptures. God has a personality and these are part of who He is. As we …
A quick look at Genesis 4 and 5 can be confusing. There are similar names, but as you dig deeper you realize, a contrast exists. In today’s reflection we contrast …
Having previously examined Abel, we now turn our attention to Cain, Adam and Eve’s firstborn. In Genesis 4, we learn of Cain and a merciful God. We read about his …
The story of Cain and Abel is recorded in Genesis 4:1-15. We understand it better as we look to the scripture for our interpretation. Paul writes to the Ephesians, “We …