Home prayer PRAY


by Esther Griggs

As Paul begins to add his closing remarks to this letter to the Colossians, he tells them to pray. He speaks to them about the position of prayer, the power that comes by prayer and the performance which flows from prayer.

“Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.”

Position of Prayer

“Continue earnestly.” he writes. “Be vigilant.” Jesus told his disciples that rather than be discouraged or faint of heart, they needed to pray. Prayer is our life line to God. We reach out to him in our weakness and receive His strength. Our fears send us to our knees while our faith in His goodness enables us to walk. Be vigilant. Stay at it. Do it with thanksgiving. It isn’t about what we see, it is about having a gracious and merciful Father who daily loads us with benefits. In prayer our focus changes from what we see around us on earth to what we know God is doing in heaven.

The Power of Prayer

While doing so, Paul asks them to pray for him. The great apostle Paul, why would he need prayer? He knows that God answers prayer. Doors open in response to prayer. Open doors permit him to speak of the truths of Christ so long hidden. He spoke the truths of Christ. It resulted in his imprisonment. Even there God gave Paul pen, paper and ink. When God open doors, He also provides the words and then empowers them. In a world increasingly closed to the gospel, it is the power of prayer alone which will bring God to open them.

Performance from Prayer

Then to walk through God’s open doors is also done in prayer. How we interact with outsiders flows from our prayer life. As the Spirit directs us we receive insights for each and every encounter. Our words buy back the time. They can bring healing, encouragement or hope. Paul tells them their speech should always be with grace and seasoned with salt.

To these disciples of Christ, and to us, Paul writes about the position of prayer, the power that comes by prayer and the performance which flows from prayer. Dear Lord, Open the doors and by Your great grace give us courage and strength to walk through them by Your Spirit.

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