Paul and Timothy Wrote to the Colossians
Paul and Timothy wrote to the Colossians. These are the faithful people who are in Christ in that city. They not only give thanks to God for these people, they
Paul and Timothy wrote to the Colossians. These are the faithful people who are in Christ in that city. They not only give thanks to God for these people, they
The story of the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross and His ultimate resurrection changes me. Everyone who hears the story responds. It is dramatic and powerful. I heard
Within the Gospel of John, we encounter Jesus, the Living Word. In the first statement of his gospel he writes, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
Luke was not one of the twelve disciples. He enters the story after the resurrection of Jesus when Paul finds in him a trusted companion. His writing is for a
Mark was first to record the story of Easter. As a young man, these events imprinted on his heart and soul. Through his lense, let us look at the story
Matthew 27-28 provided the basis for my reflection this week. In it, I found these three things. The apostle Matthew writes regarding the importance of scripture being fulfilled. He writes
When your car breaks down, you don’t call a chef. Nor do you call a teacher for a broken foot. When in need, we want an expert to meet our
One of life’s challenges comes with our limited vision. When we can’t see, rather than wait on God, we look for our own solutions. Isaiah writes to people who face
Only a day to focus on love can warm the chilly winds of February. Yet if we look to the world for our understanding of love, we will remain dry
I remember a song about “Faith, hope and charity.” It has a line which says, “that’s the way to live successfully, how do I know the Bible tells me so.”
Noise implies a multitude of distractions which clutter our souls and disrupt our peace. Raging storms have become a metaphor for noise. Essentially, noise is anything that steals our peace.
Reflecting on the temptation of Jesus whetted my appetite. As I looked to the scriptures, I discovered as Christians we have a G.P.S. for temptation. There is a place to
While the first three gospels record the temptation of Jesus, the writer to the Hebrews tells us why it was necessary. Through His temptations, Jesus experienced a human trial. As
“O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth, who have set Your glory above the heavens!” Psa.8:1 My mind fills with awe as I consider
Jesus extended the invitation, “Come unto Me all you that labor and are heavy laden.” For those who sink beneath the weariness of life, confused, fearful, drowning or lost, the
When God sent His Son to earth, we did not receive a pampered prince nor a coddled king. Instead, we received a veracious victor and a majestic Messiah. God sent
As we hear this Christmas time, the familiar words from the prophets; let them live in our minds. As they do, we will gain new insights from God’s word. We
When working with all kinds of people of varied ages, I have received great joy at witnessing the energy and enthusiasm come alive in one who had received a gift
In Psalm 119, the writer needs one hundred and seventy-six verses to express his praise for the word of God. The word is not apart from its giver. From it
Reflecting on Isaiah 55:12 Dear God, How magnificent You are! Your knowledge of my finite days Overwhelms me! You see it all, before I wake And call me forth With
We become participants in one of the greatest praise celebrations in history when we read Exodus 15. Moses and the children of Israel had just crossed the Red Sea on
Praise calls us to go deep, to concentrate on He who is worthy of our praise. There is a need for focus, a time to push all other distractions aside,
Where We Have Been For the past 28 weeks from April through to October, I have shared my reflections on the Book of Ephesians. I needed to focus my thoughts
Paul completes his letter to the Ephesian believers. It is replete with instruction and encouragement. Though the letter is complete, something is yet missing. Paul knows they need more than
To understand prayer, we look to the scripture. In one passage Jesus said, “men ought always to pray and not lose heart.” There is another where Paul in his letter